
The Wola Files
A research project of the Department of Anthropology.
Professor Paul Sillitoe has made a variety of Wola data available from his extended research in the Southern Highlands of Papua New Guinea. These datasets are directly associated with some of his seminal publications on the Wola peoples of the Southern Highlands. He has made these data freely available online.
Published Results
Authored book
1979 Give and take : exchange in Wola society. Canberra : Australian National University Press, and New York: St. Martin’s Press.
1983 Roots of the earth : the cultivation and classification of crops in the Papua New Guinea highlands. Manchester: University Press, and the University of New South Wales Press.
1988 Made in Niugini : technology in the highlands of Papua New Guinea. London: British Museum Publications and [1989] Bathurst: Crawford House Press. 2nd edition 2017 London: Royal Anthropological Institute Monograph Series, Volume 2. Canon Pyon: Sean Kingston Publishing.
1996 A place against time: land and environment in the Papua New Guinea highlands. Amsterdam: Harwood Academic [Gordon & Breach]
2002 Horticulture in Papua New Guinea: case studies from the Southern and Western Highlands. Pittsburgh: Ethnology Monograph No. 18. (with P. Stewart & A. Strathern).
2003 Managing Animals in New Guinea: Preying the Game in the Highlands. London Routledge (Environmental Anthropology Series Vol. 7).
2009 ‘Grass-Clearing Man’: A Factional Ethnography of Life in the New Guinea Highlands. Long Grove (Ill.): Waveland Press (with J. Sillitoe).
2010 From land to mouth: the agricultural ‘economy’ of the Wola of the New Guinea Highlands. New Haven: Yale University Press.
2017 Built in Niugini: Constructions in the highlands of Papua New Guinea. London: Royal Anthropological Institute Monograph Series, Volume 1. Canon Pyon: Sean Kingston Publishing.
From the Department of Anthropology